Have you ever woken up in the morning to find little mouse droppings all over your counters? Mice can cause a lot of damage. Not only can they carry disease, they also can chew through wires and spoil your food supply. One mouse can turn into an infestation in a short amount of time. What can you do?
First thing is prevention. Seal up areas that may have openings. A mouse can fit through very small openings in doors, screens, windows, and cracks or holes near pipe openings. Store food in airtight containers and remove garbage regularly. Eliminate moisture from leaking pipes and clogged drains, and keep your attics and basements dry. Try using natural mouse repellants such as apple cider vinegar or peppermint oil.
If you do see signs of a mouse, take action immediately. There are a variety of mouse traps that you can find online or in the stores. Some are live traps that will allow you to catch and release the mouse (release it at least a mile from your home). Others will kill the mouse. If you think there is an infestation, call pest control to have a professional come and rid your home of the issue.