If you have any parts of your house made of wood, you may get woodpeckers, carpenter bees, and squirrels making holes. They can do a lot of damage to your home. Bees and squirrels especially can quickly reproduce and make nests inside your home.
For woodpeckers pecking on your home, you can use visual deterrents such as a windsock or windmill that scare them away. Bird netting can be used to cover parts of your home that are most attractive to them. If they have made any holes already, fill them or cover them with sheet metal or hardware cloth.
To help keep squirrels off your house, it’s recommended to cut tree limbs back at least six feet away from your house. Cover any openings to your attic or roof.
Carpenter bees are less attracted to painted wood. So paint the wood that’s on your home. Stains can help too, but paint is more effective. You may need to use an insecticide if you think you have an infestation of bees.
In any of these cases, if you are not able to take care of the problem yourself, there are experts who can help. Just don’t think the pests will go away on their own.